Quadruple Banana Layer Cake with Marzipan and Chocolate Glaze

Oh hey guys.

You see that cake right there? That is a quadruple (the bottom layer is hiding) layer banana cake oozing almond milk chocolate ganache/glaze and also homemade marzipan.

Yes, I learned how to make homemade marzipan for you and I’m about to tell you how INCREDIBLY easy it is to make.

And also what an amazingly delicious combo whole wheat banana cake, melty chocolate glaze, homemade marzipan and sugared toasted almonds make. Even when they are ugly-fied by 8pm indoor nighttime photography.

Like what what you’re hearing so far? Hop on over to Bailey Bakes where I’m guest posting about this cake today.


I’m sorry. I’m about to blow a gasket I’m so excited. Or maybe that’s my sugar high from too much cake?
P.S. I just made a brand new facebook page! I’d love it if you would come visit me 🙂

P.P.S. The deadline for the Tupelo Honey recipe contest is almost here! You still have three more days to submit and WIN!!!

P.P.P.S. You should make these cookies with your leftover marzipan! Joy the Baker and I are mind twins, obvs.

35 responses to “Quadruple Banana Layer Cake with Marzipan and Chocolate Glaze

  1. Pingback: Vegan Sandies | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  2. Pingback: Guest Post: Triple Chocolate Bread | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  3. Oh my! You have done it again!!! 🙂 Coming off the sugar rush of Saturdays B-day feast which consisted of not one but two tarts thanks to my wonderful boyfriend. I swore to be good …I did…BUT this looks AMAZING!!!!!! I HAVE to make it for sure 🙂 xo Éva

    • Aww thanks Eva! Wow that birthday feast sounds incredible! Are we talking fruit tarts? 🙂 In any case, what a nice boyfriend!

      Also I have to tell you–I’m now a diligent follower of Skinny Fat, thanks to your reblogging her post. You always manage to find such interesting content to share/post about! ❤

      • You’re so welcome 🙂 Yup two fruit tarts! One was a lemon with coconut tart with a shortbread crust; the other was a mixed fruit crumbly goodness. I was so full from dinner but I still stuffed myself silly lol. I am happy you like Skinny Fat, she is great and very motivating 🙂 I am glad you enjoy my little finds…keeping it healthy makes for a boring blog at times so I am happy you find it interesting enough to follow mine ☺ Yours is incredible with recipes that make me want to break my sugar free streak ☺ I had leftover tarts up to yesterday lol

        • Haha WOW those tarts sound amazing!! And go you for being on a sugar free streak! I’ve tried that multiple times but the longest I’ve ever gone was 3 days. Haha. I think I’m done trying (goal is to minimize added sugar intake) but I totally admire people who can do it!!

          • They were 🙂 It is damn hard I can tell you that! What really keeps me going and cuts my sugar cravings completely is lots of protein and fat. So I start my day with eggs and avocado, snack on almonds and walnuts etc. Otherwise I would not last more than 3 days, TRUST me! I only do it is as when I have sugar I get anxiety, bad PMS, and worst of all non-stop cravings. I feel more in control without sugar.

    • Aww, thank you SO MUCH! That is so incredibly sweet of you to say 🙂 And YES can you guess how excited I was when I saw those cookies?? I think I’m going to make them tonight–let me know if you give them a try as well. They sound like they’d be absolutely heavenly.

  4. LOVE your photos as always (despite the nighttime uglification 😉 And this cake – good God that looks ridiculously good. I’ve gotta get over there and check out your guest post.

    • Thank you so much Christina! Always great to hear from you and lol WHAT a metaphor! I am flattered :)) Especially since I thought these would be disastrous at-night shots! Have you ever tried? Most of my shots were hideous!

  5. WOW – AMAZING! This looks beyond decadent! Not very traditional but I seriously might have to make this for our Thanksgiving dessert.

    • Aww yayy!! Let me know if you do try it out!! And omg Leah. It looks super crazy but secret: it’s not even that bad for you. Like I think it’s wayyy healthier than most layer cakes. No heavy cream or butter and mostly minimal sugar and oil!! I think it’s totally worthy of sharing with fam too. In fact, I might make a riff on this for Thanksgiving, come to think of it! Haha.

    • Haha thanks Uru! Allllmost as good as those SUPER puffy sandwich cookies you made for your friend’s bday! Omg. Can’t stop thinking about them.

  6. This cake is gorgeous! I’ve never tried marzipan, but it sounds like something I’d definitely like! Thanks again for guest posting on my blog! I’m excited to have such a great recipe on my site. 🙂

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