Pancake Fridays: Cornbread Pancakes

Sometimes I am struck by how fast life seems to be flying by.

I was e-mailing with one of my oldest best friends yesterday and we were reminiscing about horrible middle school times we’d had together. That time some guy called us and our other best friend lesbians (uh, we weren’t). Our anxiety surviving seven periods of high school, enduring high school P.E., worrying about whether we would get into college, wondering what college would be like. (I seem to recall my going away gift from said best friend was this book. Let me tell you, it set up alllll the right expectations.)

I’m making it sound like we did a lot of worrying. There were fun times too. But all the memories came flooding in a rush and I had to take a step back and be like, “really? I already graduated from college? Is this real life?”

Anyway, sometimes I’m struck by the speed of life.

Other times, I’m struck by cravings for cornbread. Like really, struck into a state of near paralysis, thinking, should I? Do I really dare go and make an entire batch of cornbread right now to gratify myself? Because I can not make half a batch, or even a cute little single serving muffin of cornbread. Because corn muffins are great once in a while, but I really like the thick chunky chunks of cornbread. You have to make that in a pan. And I only own large pans so I can’t make half a batch or my cornbread will be all thin and crackery crispy and blah. If I want crackers, I’ll make crackers.

So I decided to feed two cravings with one urge. Cornbread pancakes!

Easy to whip up, easy to cook, easy to eat. No oven required.

I like my pancakes cakey, but I like my cornbread gritty and full of cornmeal. In theory, my ideal cornbread would be ALL. CORNMEAL. No flour. In practice, it’s kind of gross. I’ve tried it. But still, I like at least a half and half ratio of cornmeal to flour.

These pancakes meet this requirement. They’re…I can’t believe I’m saying this…a little spongy. All that cornmeal makes these full of grit and texture, but also airy and fluffy, so there’s a slight resiliency when you bite down. Yes, my ideal cornbread pancakes might be so tender and so soft that when you dig your fork in, it crumbles, but these TASTE like excellent cornbread. And that’s the important part.

Plus, these are totally sturdy enough to eat alongside some fierce chili. Cassie mentioned how one of her taste-testers suggested dipping her crunchy crackly corn cookies in chili and if you can do that with cookies, you can most definitely do that with pancakes.

Especially delicious, golden, sturdy, slightly springy pancakes that taste like cornbread.

PS. If you are like me and generally like your pancakes plain, keep in mind this cute text from my boyfriend:

“Just had pancakes for lunch :)).. [They were] A-mazing!! They seemed even better than when I had them this morning, just the tiny bit of honey that was in there made them irresistible :)”

There you have it. If anything ever needed to be eaten with honey butter, this would be it. They will be irresistible.


From now on, I’m soaking all my cornmeal before baking. It was a tip I learned to make what is now my favorite from-scratch cornbread and I think it makes everything better–just a little silkier and more tender.

If you like your pancakes thinner (and perhaps want to make 12 instead of the odd 10 + a little leftover runt pancake that I made), add an extra 1/4 cup of milk or buttermilk.

I used part AP flour and part white whole wheat mainly because I didn’t want to use the yellow hue, but I think all white whole wheat or even part whole wheat would be great. If you are making these for a savory occasion (i.e. to accompany this chili), you can try leaving out half the sugar.

Cornbread Pancakes
Adapted from my favorite cornbread and these.

Yield: 10 pancakes

3/4 cup cornmeal
1 cup buttermilk (I used 1 cup Almond Breeze + 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar)

1/2 cup all-purpose flour (can use white whole wheat)
1/4 cup white whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Oil, for greasing the pan

Combine the cornmeal and buttermilk and let sit for at least 15 minutes.

Set a large, greased frying pan or griddle over medium heat. Combine other dry ingredients and gently fold into cornmeal mixture, leaving it as lumpy as possible. Whisk together the egg and melted butter and fold into dry ingredients until just combined, again leaving it lumpy.

Ladle the batter into the pan 1/4 cup at a time. Pancakes should cook fairly quickly after the first round.

Want more (corn)bread?

Best Cakey Cornbread
Easy Wheat Challah
White Whole Wheat Olive Oil Bread
Roasted Cherry Brownies
Oatmeal Peanut Butter Banana Bread

53 responses to “Pancake Fridays: Cornbread Pancakes

  1. Hello,
    I happened across your site tonight and read some of the pancake recipes. I clicked the link for ‘Best Cakey Cornbread’ that was listed, but it said “Ooops…error” and had no recipe there. Thought I’d let you know as it looks to be a broken link. Mavis in Ontario, Canada.

  2. Pingback: Pancake Fridays: Classic Buttermilk Pancakes + Cakey Cinnamon Pancakes | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  3. Pingback: Pancake Fridays: Vegan Cookies ‘n Cream Pancakes | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  4. Pingback: Pancake Fridays: Red Velvet Pancakes | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  5. Pingback: Pancake Fridays: Lemon Bar Pancakes | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  6. These photos!!! Too perfect. Syrup dripping down. Very impressed! When I took pictures of pancakes, I cut them down the middle and thats when the photoshoot was over. Could. not. resist. These make me drool!!!

  7. Pingback: Pancake Fridays: Whole Wheat Pear and Chocolate Pancakes | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  8. Pingback: Christina Tosi’s Cornbake + a recipe contest! | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  9. Pingback: Pumpkin Pie Stuffed Chocolate Cupcakes (+ salted caramel cream cheese frosting and chocolate ganache) | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  10. These look thick, fat, fluffy and should be in my mouth right NOW! Yum!! I love cornmeal too and I also hated high school…it was honestly the worst time in my life, so I’ll take my 30’s any day, lol! 🙂

    • Hahaha yes I would definitely take college over high school any day! And even post-grad life over high school, I suppose. I can’t imagine what I did before driving!

  11. Pingback: Vegan Quinoa-Quinoa Cornbread + how to make quinoa flour | The Pancake Princess and the Protein Prince·

  12. CornBread pancakes? This is new to me. I must try. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog!! It has lead me here and I love your blog also xxxx amazing find.

    • Thank you thank you Christina 🙂 You’re right–I’m already deep into fall mode, but these are a perfect representation of the last of summer 🙂

    • Thank you Christine!! Omg I am off to read your latest blog post. It is looking absolutely phenomenal from these first few photos…

  13. Time does fly and for me maybe a little faster than you.. ha ha or at least more years… I’m loving how light and fluffy and delicious these pancakes look with that syrup dripping off the edges. Yum!

    • Thanks Bam 🙂 I have to say, I think a desk job is one of the fastest ways to speed the clock forward. Time has never gone by so fast!

    • Thank you so much! That means a lot to me, coming from someone who has such beautiful photos yourself! I’m really excited to read more from you–especially from a fellow Bay Area resident 🙂

  14. Ooo, neat idea! I have a bunch of leftover corn meal from those cinnamon shortbread cookies I did a while back. Perhaps pancakes for me and the hubby tomorrow morning? 🙂 And thanks for the tip on soaking the cornmeal, I’d never heard of that!

    • Mmm I should do the opposite and use my leftover cornmeal to make your cookies! Great idea 🙂 Let me know how they turn out if you try them!!

  15. I know — it’s actually been FOURTEEN YEARS since I graduated high school. I can’t freaking believe it. Now that I’ve been out of school for the past five years and just a workin’ gal, time flies by even faster. And I, like you, often have intense cravings for cornbread. I don’t even have words for how perfect these pancakes look – how in the heck did you get them so thick and fluffy? Ah-mazing!

    • Haha oh noo…not looking forward to time flying even faster!! It’s already speeding by!

      I’m glad you understand my cornbread cravings 🙂 And thank you for the pancake compliment! Thick and fluffy is always my goal–I’ve found that thick batters are definitely the way to go for that lovely, yummy effect!

    • Thank you! That would be thanks to my boyfriend for pouring–normally my “pour” photos are all crooked because I’m incapable of photographing and holding things at the same time. Ha.

  16. These look delicious! I love cornbread and I love pancakes! I’ll have to try these out this weekend! Btw, I noticed you go to Rice. I went to UT for college! Are you from Texas originally?

    • Hi and thank you!! I looove both of those too (if you couldn’t tell haha)–we should be friends 🙂

      I’m actually from northern California originally, but I stayed in Houston to work after I graduated (gosh…only a few months ago!) How about you?

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      • Haha yes! Oh how funny. I live in the Bay Area now and go to grad school at UC Berkeley. Where in northern California are you from? Congrats on graduating! I have lots of friends that are from and live in Houston for work now. Btw, I love your photos! What do you use to take such beautiful pictures?

        • Oh wow I think my old roommate is studying some kind of engineering in grad school at Berkeley! I’m from the Bay Area haha, like half an hour south of SF 🙂 That is so funny that we switched places. Although I see you’re originally from NM–where my current roommate is from! Where are your friends working in Houston?

          And THANK YOU!! I am a total photography noob, but thank you for the lovely compliment 🙂 I use a Nikon 1

          • Haha, wow so many coincidences! Are you from South Bay? If you ever come to visit your family, maybe we can meet sometime and bake together! 🙂 I think most of my friends work downtown? Unfortunately, I’ve never asked them. Most of them work for oil companies and one of my good friends is a nurse in Houston.

            • Yes we should!!! I’ll probably be back around Christmas so if you’ll still be there, we should keep in touch!

              And cool. I managed to escape working for oil and gas (software instead) but working downtown must be fun! There are apparently these underground tunnels under downtown that I’ve never seen…but they sound cool!

              • Awesome! I should be around since my parents ended up moving about 45 minutes away from me last year.
                What do you do exactly? Programming? Yeah, I’ve heard about those underground tunnels downtown. Guess they’re really useful when it gets super hot and humid in the summer. Even though I love Bay Area weather, I do miss the Texas heat sometimes.

Say hi!